Grade 10 Courses

  • Grade 10, Business. Introduction to Business. BBI2O.


    Course Title: Introduction to Business, Grade 9 or 10, Open (BBI1O, BBI2O) Course Name: Introduction to Business Course Code: BBI1O, BBI2O Grade: 9 or 10 Course Type: Open Credit Value: 1.0 Prerequisite: None Curriculum Policy Document: Business Studies, The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10, 2006 (Revised) Course Developer: Ontario Online School Course Development Team Department: Business Studies Development Date: 2001 Most Recent Revision Date: […]

  • Grade 10, Career Studies. Open. GLC2O


    The Grade 10 Careers curriculum focuses on empowering students to cultivate essential skills, knowledge, and behaviors for a successful transition into life beyond graduation. Throughout this course, students will explore how their unique skills, interests, and values align with a diverse range of post-secondary opportunities. Additionally, they will gain valuable insights into personal financial management.

  • Grade 10, Civics and Citizenship. Open. CHV2O.


    Grade 10 Civics delves into the rights and duties linked to being an engaged citizen in a democratic society. During this course, students will examine significant civic matters, such as fostering healthy schools, community planning, environmental stewardship, and the impact of social media. Throughout, they will deepen their comprehension of civic involvement and political procedures […]

  • International Student Administration Fee


    At initial registration, there is a one time $300 CAD International Students Administration Fee, used for performing a Prior Assessment of Learning (PLAR), so that the student is correctly placed in courses. Acquiring an Ontario Education Number (OEN) and establishing the Ontario Student Record (OSR) acquiring a physical Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) upon graduation, […]