Grade 12, Health and Physical Education. Introduction to Kinesiology. University Preparation, PSK4U
$700.00 – $1,400.00
15 Students |
Duration: 110 hours |
This course focuses on the study of human movement and of systems, factors, and principles involved in human development. Students will learn about the effects of physical activity on health and performance, the evolution of physical activity and sport, and the physiological, psychological, and social factors that influence an individual’s participation in physical activity and sport.
The course prepares students for university programs in physical education and health, kinesiology, health sciences, health studies, recreation, and sports administration.
Ministry Course Title: Introduction to Kinesiology, Grade 12, University Preparation
Common Course Name: Kinesiology
Course Code: PSK4U
Grade: 12
Course Pathway Type: University Preparation
Credit Value: 1.0
Prerequisite: Any Grade 11 university (U) or university/college (M) preparation course in science, or any Grade 11 or 12 course in health and physical education.
Curriculum Policy Document: Health and Physical Education, The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12, 2015 (Revised)
Course Developer: Ontario Online School Course Development Team
Department: Health and Physical Education Initial Development Date: February 2020
Most Recent Revision Date: Ongoing – course direction is determined through collaboration between teachers and students
$700.00 – $1,400.00
15 Students |
Duration: 110 hours |